Microsoft wants to revolutionize the market for game consoles such as Nintendo its competitor did with the launch of the Wii. So, between the mystery and advancement, has unveiled details of its upcoming release, the project Natal, an accessory for the Xbox 360 that takes the cake.
But what is Natal? Natal is a device that works with cameras and microphones that capture the player's movements so that this can interact with the game through movements without using a remote control. Great expectations generated by your ad, but unfortunately for the gadget would be anxious newly available in November 2010, ie within a year.
Some manufacturers of games like Activision, Bethesda, Capcom, Disney, EA, Konami, MTV, Namco Bandai, Sega, Square Enix, THQ and Ubisoft have shown their support to this device that aims to take away territory to the Nintendo Wii that has captured much of the console market from household innovation proposed Wiimote remote control.
So Microsoft wants to boost its Xbox 360 console: the idea is that users do not have to spend significant money on a new console generation but for 50 euros (which is what is estimated to cost Natal) may update Xbox 360 to work in a completely original.