Today I told you about some tricks to improve your experience in New Super Mario Bros for Wii:
How to Get Mushroom Houses appear: If a level has been caught Toad, save it at that level, then the type of Mushroom House appears will be related to the last digit timer: To Casa Dorada: ends with 7, 8 or 9; Para Casa Verde: it ends with 0, 1, 2 or 3, and Red House: 4, 5 or 6.
How to Get Mushroom Houses appear in multiplayer mode: you must complete a level only with the two final digits equal to touch the flag pole. For a Casa Dorada: turn the flag with the last two digits end in 99, for a Casa Verde: touch the flag with the last two digits end in 11 or 22, and for a Red House: the flag touches the last two final digits in 33, 44, 55, 66, 77 or 88.
How to save the game anywhere: you must complete the last castle in World 8 out efforts to save the game wherever you want. "Saved" will appear where previously said Fast Save option.
How have Mario without a hat to collect 99 lives and return to the title screen, we'll have Mario without his hat, but if we lose a life, Mario will have it.
Tomorrow we'll show you other tricks but in the meantime try these. Then tell us how it went!