First of all then, this "Gold Edition" will debut in March as retail package (ie replace the copies of RE5 at retail) on a Blu-ray (with the original game and expansion) for the PS3 and format DVD with a code to download the new content 360.
Now if you have already purchased your copy of Resident Evil 5 will be able todownload the first chapter of the DLC - "Lost in Nightmares" - from mid-February (the 17th of the month at 360, and 18 on PS3) , while the second episode - "Desperate Escape" starring Jill Valentine and Josh Stone-released on 3 and 4 March in 360 and PS3 respectively, along with a second kit of costumes to laugh and have tea with friends.
Capcom has not commented on the chances of this emerges - possibly-in PC.