_ Prime concern: the installation. It is necessary to have internet access to play (even offline), will not be only for the activation of the game more, it is also necessary to create two accounts (Rockstar and Windows Live), but fortunately These two accounts can be created offline.
_ Two reasons: The configuration of the PC. Even with a PC that can run Crysis smoothly, do not expect to run GTA IV all details thoroughly. Porting the game is abysmal and you will not exceed 30 fps. Know that you need 2GB of RAM and a good video card with at least 512 MB to run it a bit correctly. For some that you have an exotic configuration, be aware of compatibility issues.
If these two concerns do not turn you off and you manage to overcome them, then the game turns out great. Although not the same variety of atmosphere that GTA San Andreas, it diversifies and adds many new features compared to its predecessors, including driving while intoxicated (fun) or new how to manage the font that is very interesting and perhaps a bit more realistic, allowing us to make enough memorable car chases.
In few words, so if you have a good PC with standard components and you do not mind spending time to activate / install the game, I recommend it. Otherwise, go your way and wait in line "budget."