Dragon Age: Origins, is a classic RPG that follows the trail of Baldur's Gate, Bioware-created the same and perhaps that very fact is their sin, as she shows great revolutionary concepts. He proposed again that this game is to create a different world with its own mythology.
In accordance with this new structure can also be said to be original, too simple, basic, simple but winning in losing potential role and setting. Therefore, the Dragon Age: Origins is perhaps too simplistic.
In favor of the game, we say it has a touch more adult, without inhibitions. Another point is the argument in principle but very unlikely to get us early with their twists and intense final. Best of Dragon Age: Origins is the great relevance acquired broad spectrum of our decisions.
Technically is weak, with some sloppy graphics. Their sound is good and was designed for the PC, so the gameplay is more efficient there, but you can with Xbox360 and PS3.
This game lasts around 40 hours. It's a great story worth living, despite the pulling of ears that could give their developers by neglect.
What do you think about this game from Bioware?