Microsoft-produced Xbox 360 is the sole Nintendo game system which has been released as far as far as the 7th generation of games consoles is concerned. Sony's PlayStation three, Nintendo's Wii, and Evizions PC Entertainment's EVO : Phase One are all prepared to be released at the last quarter of 2006.
These computer game systems have a good distance to go and different game developers are on their way on making the subsequent generation of Playstation game systems that'll be released as quickly as practicable. Outside the new generation of Playstation game systems, potentially you already forgot its forefathers, especially the 1st and 2nd generations. Such generations became the "cream of the crop " of the gaming industry during its early years, and helped the development of successive video game systems till the 7th generation.
What we don't understand is that new computer game system becomes old Nintendo game system shortly, and is shortly forgotten in a dusty corner. That's what precisely occurred to the old game systems. Once, they've been glorified due to the remarkable entertainment that it provides to the gaming public. But now, they're just in the sidesteps of our memory, being demolished by new game systems which, as formerly discussed, will shortly become old technologies once more modern systems will be introduced to the market.