Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sport Games video gamer focus

In recent days, kids hardly get time to go to the field and enjoy various sports. So, the kids are staying way form the excitement of these sports. Today most of the parents buy their respective kids a video game console. Even games can be enjoyed in computers, laptops, play stations, xbox and other related gadgets. EA Sports have been manufacturing various sport games. The games include soccer or fifa, rugby, cricket, basket ball, baseball and others. The games look like the actual game. The players have the actual faces which make the games more and more realistic. The kids really enjoy playing these games. Even the elder ones love to experience the sport games.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 hits the Markets on 27th September

One of the biggest brands in the gaming world, the Pro Evolution Soccer is ready to launch its 2012 edition come September the 27th, this year. Many gaming enthusiast were eagerly awaiting the declaration of the launch date after the arrival of its two biggest competitors in the market, the FIFA 2012 and Football Manager. Most people are excited about the new user interface and graphic upgrades promised by the company on last year’s edition and market experts expect plenty of new twists as well. The new and improved transfer market and an inflated transfer kitty makes it for an even better prospect and 27th September couldn’t come sooner for these gaming enthusiasts.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Our Need for Speed

We all love the crazy driving and lovely sceneries from the need for speed of NFS series. The NFS series is one of the most popular racing games across the globe. But have we ever thought about what we can learn from the game? The first and foremost thing to remember is to limit all these displays of driving skills strictly to the gaming screen. Trying these out in the streets with your dad’s car is not a very good idea. We can learn the basic ideas of gear shifting and overtaking from the NFS games so it is a good idea to try your skill in the game first before hitting the streets because damaged cars in your games can be easily replaced but not broken bones!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Video Games and its Impact on Concentration

Various researches have been conducted over the years pertaining to the effect of television and video games on the concentration and focus of children and some of these studies even suggested that these things help people who have Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD but the most recent study that was conducted by three senior psychologists at the Iowa State University suggests that the short attention span of kids aged between 3 to 12 years is due to the time they spend in front of the television or computer playing video games. The movement on the screen draws the attention of the kids to the screen and hence, normal life becomes dull causing them to lose their focus. The researchers even suggested a possible remedy with regards to helping these kids improve their concentration and this means that they should not be allowed to sit no more than two hours.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Defense of the Ancients

Defense of the Ancients or DOTA as it is commonly known, is an independent appendage to the Warcraft III video games. It is a very popular role-playing game that has featured at several international video game championships all over the world. The game pits two sets of players – the Scourges and the Sentinels – located on the northeast and southwest corners of the field respectively, against each other. At the center of each base is a building known as the Ancient which is to be destroyed to win the game. Every player in a team selects a Hero with powers and abilities, out of 104 options, to play.


The Medal of Honor series of first person games has taken the genre of war games by storm, ever since its inception in 2002. From World War II to the present war in Afghanistan, the game series has covered almost every war the American forces have participated in. Medal of Honor is developed by Dearmworks Interactive (currently known as Danger close) and is published by Electronic Arts. Its gameplay are similar to the storylines of movies such as ‘Saving Private Ryan’ and ‘Enemy at the Gates’, where there is a central character and the gamer views the war through his eyes. It indeed is a game which a gamer must try out!

Attention Deficit Disorder – Video Game It Away

Parental paranoia over video games is something all kids must face. Kids love them, parents loath them and with good reason too. These games epitomise violence and action. What if, however, they had the potential of helping children with attention Deficit Disorder? They might.
Experts’ have found that games may potentially help children and adults to focus and pay more attention. The use of sensor’s connecting the user’s brain to the home computer system can allow the individual to control the action on the screen.
It must be noted, however, that this method only helps train children to pay attention and is not a treatment for ADHD.