Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Nintendo presents the new Wii Controller

The Wii console has been, among other things, a gold mine for Nintendo. The revolutionary console reported great gains to the Japanese company of video games and, reason why we see, the idea of the company is to continue operating it.
Besides the sale of the console in himself, Nintendo has aimed at the market of the peripheral ones: controls, Nunchuck, the group of WiiFit. Everything is sold, and to substantial prices. Now Pro is sent to the Classic Controller, a controller of the classic type, with ergonomic forms and eight bellboys, two analogical and directional controls.
The Classic Controller is very similar to the DualShock de Sony for the PlayStation, only that with the white design characteristic of the Wii. Reason why we see in the official site, has a cable, which probably means that it must go fitted to the Wii Remote, like the Nunchuck.
The price does not know, nor when it will be sent to the world-wide market. It does not seem to be a too novel addition, but surely there will be games that begin to use it, and therefore, will be sold, without doubt.

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  • SingStar Miliki

    Miliki, the most famous clown, has returned to ally itself with the new
    technologies. In this occasion it does presenting/displaying his new game to us for PlayStation 2 that is called SingStar Miliki and that will on sale leave next the 26 November.

    This game of karaoke will allow that next to Emilio Aragon (Miliki) we pruned to recreate the songs with which throughout four decades, this popular clown has accompanied the education by our generations of children. The game includes images of its participation in the Spanish Television, videos and a recreation in 3D of the clown.

    The repertoire of karaoke SingStar Miliki includes 25 songs, the majority of them compiled of its disc my children of 30 years. Successes like Hello, Don Pepito, and Was once a circus could be revived in family to amuse itself with its songs.
    This new SingStar will come accompanied by a DVD from Was once a circus, that is the tribute to a program of television of Miliki.
    And your, you remember the letters of the songs of Miliki?

    Saturday, December 26, 2009

    Tips for New Super Mario Bros for Wii

    Today I told you about some tricks to improve your experience in New Super Mario Bros for Wii:
    How to Get Mushroom Houses appear: If a level has been caught Toad, save it at that level, then the type of Mushroom House appears will be related to the last digit timer: To Casa Dorada: ends with 7, 8 or 9; Para Casa Verde: it ends with 0, 1, 2 or 3, and Red House: 4, 5 or 6.
    How to Get Mushroom Houses appear in multiplayer mode: you must complete a level only with the two final digits equal to touch the flag pole. For a Casa Dorada: turn the flag with the last two digits end in 99, for a Casa Verde: touch the flag with the last two digits end in 11 or 22, and for a Red House: the flag touches the last two final digits in 33, 44, 55, 66, 77 or 88.

    How to save the game anywhere: you must complete the last castle in World 8 out efforts to save the game wherever you want. "Saved" will appear where previously said Fast Save option.
    How have Mario without a hat to collect 99 lives and return to the title screen, we'll have Mario without his hat, but if we lose a life, Mario will have it.
    Tomorrow we'll show you other tricks but in the meantime try these. Then tell us how it went!

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  • Capcom Releases Delayed by Competition

    In a public document issued Capcom yesterday, today announced that under strategic reasons, several of the company's scheduled launch early next year to be postponed without further. This unwelcome news has left us a little sad.
    Reason is that allude to the difficulties in closing the fiscal year ending in March just as the fierce competition with other firms filed the item that deals have crowded the market and consequently reduced the profit margin originally planned. For example, the jetpack game has a new sales forecast slightly less than half what was originally thought, from an expected 1.3 million units to just over 600 thousand.
    As a result of this announcement, scheduled for release early this year was delayed as the Lost Planet2 and Monster Hunter Tri, and those with no date scheduled as the Super Street Fighter IV, Dead Rising 2 or Dark Void will later expected.
    Whatever, this release of Capcom involves restructuring the company plans to unveil in anger over time. How do you think will follow this story?

    God of War III Trilogy Ultimate Edition: Ready to go in Europe

    If you still are not sure we spend money that will give your grandparents for Christmas as they do every year, here we make a suggestion that you can not ignore.
    Sony Entertainment Europe has just announced that they are preparing for our continent "the mother of the special editions" with the shops start God of War III Ultimate Trilogy.
    This fantastic announcement includes God of War III God of War Collection coming in a spectacular box full of extra content. You can download a combat arena challenges with 7, 4 new skins for Kratos (Dominus, Apollo, Phantom of Chaos and Forgotten Warrior) and an exclusive documentary on the history of the series, all from the PlayStation Network.
    The God of War III Trilogy Ultimate Edition also brings a book of postcards, the music of three deliveries. No starting price, is known to be in stores in spring 2010.
    Did you expect this trilogy?

    Dragon Age: Origins

    Bioware has released Dragon Age: Origins Pre-awaited sequel to Mass Effect 2. This game is one of the great hopes of EA for the holidays ahead.
    Dragon Age: Origins, is a classic RPG that follows the trail of Baldur's Gate, Bioware-created the same and perhaps that very fact is their sin, as she shows great revolutionary concepts. He proposed again that this game is to create a different world with its own mythology.
    In accordance with this new structure can also be said to be original, too simple, basic, simple but winning in losing potential role and setting. Therefore, the Dragon Age: Origins is perhaps too simplistic.
    In favor of the game, we say it has a touch more adult, without inhibitions. Another point is the argument in principle but very unlikely to get us early with their twists and intense final. Best of Dragon Age: Origins is the great relevance acquired broad spectrum of our decisions.
    Technically is weak, with some sloppy graphics. Their sound is good and was designed for the PC, so the gameplay is more efficient there, but you can with Xbox360 and PS3.
    This game lasts around 40 hours. It's a great story worth living, despite the pulling of ears that could give their developers by neglect.
    What do you think about this game from Bioware?

    Nero Music2Go: Music Application for Nintendo Dsi

    Music2Go Nero is a multimedia application for the Nintendo DSi. With this software, you can take to better manage multimedia content of the Nintendo handheld console.
    The Music2Go Nero allows you a quick conversion and transfer music files from PC to console. You can convert music from a CD or any format that precisely at the AAA (Advanced Audio Coding) and then transfer them to your console with an interface simple and intuitive.
    This application lets you play music on your PC or access the details of the song, artist or album. Nero is the second Musci2Go based application platform MobileSync Nero, that universal platform that allows manufacturers of products or technology to customize your application to offer users.
    Music2Go Nero software and can be purchased at a price of about $5.99.

    Friday, December 25, 2009

    The Sims 3 Review

    This third installment of SIMS for this big change much in the graphics that are much more sophisticated than the game itself. Now you can wander on foot throughout the city, the personality of SIMS is much more sophisticated and the characters differ from other SIMS (taking into account the genetic children).
    For sound ... This is the music of Sims ^ ^. Simple, funny and a little repetitive. Invest in an in-game radio is a good plan for its well diversified moods.

    For the moment I do not regret buying this game

    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Game of the Year

    This is the best of its kind, no doubt. The solo mission provides both entertaining and imaginative scenarios, multiplayer on the internet is even better, 200 per hour, team and develop strategies group. This is WAR! :)

    Certainly one of the best FPS on console to date (not to mention cod 6 MW2), the gameplay is correct and very nice design. A small negative point about the enemy AI is a bit "just".

    A game of great quality and perfect gameplay a great moment of pleasure!

    Review Of GTA IV

    _ Prime concern: the installation. It is necessary to have internet access to play (even offline), will not be only for the activation of the game more, it is also necessary to create two accounts (Rockstar and Windows Live), but fortunately These two accounts can be created offline.

    _ Two reasons: The configuration of the PC. Even with a PC that can run Crysis smoothly, do not expect to run GTA IV all details thoroughly. Porting the game is abysmal and you will not exceed 30 fps. Know that you need 2GB of RAM and a good video card with at least 512 MB to run it a bit correctly. For some that you have an exotic configuration, be aware of compatibility issues.

    If these two concerns do not turn you off and you manage to overcome them, then the game turns out great. Although not the same variety of atmosphere that GTA San Andreas, it diversifies and adds many new features compared to its predecessors, including driving while intoxicated (fun) or new how to manage the font that is very interesting and perhaps a bit more realistic, allowing us to make enough memorable car chases.

    In few words, so if you have a good PC with standard components and you do not mind spending time to activate / install the game, I recommend it. Otherwise, go your way and wait in line "budget."

    Left 4 Dead 2 Review

    The game is great, full of novelties: new online modes very nice and somewhat diversified the gaming experience as Scavenge where to collect cans of gasoline, how much realism which makes the single player campaigns, of course we found the traditional modes like versus (two teams of four compete), where survival must be taken as long as possible against waves of zombies and classic co-op mode.

    In terms of content, there are some new special infected well thought renewing the experience without any change either, rendering maps is very nice (the improvement is there but is not extraordinary), the locations traversed during Missions are varied but much less frightening than the maps from 1 L4D.

    The final game is very good, but it is true that it looks more like a big extended L4D that a complete set. If you liked the 1st, you'll go for worship, and if you do not know the franchise and you're ready to battle hordes of zombies to blow chainsaw, machete or shotgun this game n 'more than expected you.

    Warning: this game is playable exclusively online and require the mandatory installation of Steam portal.

    The sims 2 - DVD Edition

    Everyone eagerly awaited the return of Sims, highlighted by a huge slap graphic passage in true 3D.
    Finally, it is virtually the only major change with the aging of the characters. Like the previous generation of Sims will therefore complement this edition with add-on to really enjoy it thoroughly because the level of basic content, we quickly made the turn.
    Anyway, it must recognize that the work on the Sims 2 is remarkable and the disposal is only better.

    Dragon Age: Origins Review

    After long months to wait ... After many adventures on the release date on PC: Here it is finally the long awaited RPG than any presented as the direct successor of Baldur's Gate phenomenal!

    And although it is clear that indeed, Dragon Age Origins is THE RPG that stands out, a real pleasure since Bladur's gate 2, although the latter, I believe, is not matched.

    DAO is a good game, superb cinematic, a scenario that takes the road and above all the companions with individual personalities, different histories and that can cause in their own quest. Some songs are even possible, that embodies a male or female!

    In this game, you have to make decisions that greatly influence the course of history, then think carefully before answering!

    At the level of difficulty ... And even in normal level should be a good strategist, well yes, it is not in diablo, how "all forward, warrior nag" it works not!

    At the time of the game, I would say about 80h.

    Two minor faults are all the same note: download times between areas, and also the wicked ... They are good big bad ... Monsters And what ... no more unfortunately.

    Note that a game is very bloody, so try not to put in the hands of the youngest.

    In short: for me is the best RPG since the saga of Baldur.

    Thursday, December 24, 2009

    Image converter for PSP, to see it on television

    The PlayStation Portable (PSP) can now be seen on a television screen. This new adapter converts the signal from the PSP to be sent to a TV and be able to view the games as if they were conventional version of the PlayStation.

    The major criticism has always had the PSP is that, because it is a portable game console, the screen is very small. But that problem is in the past because with this new convert to process the image of the PSP and broadcast television.

    LKV8000 is the name of this converter has a VGA port and an HDMI output with audio connectors on the left and right. This unique device uses technology "Motion Compensated 3D Wavelet Video Coding Technology" to play any kind of signal without distorting or interfering with the image.
    The PSP is also a portable game console, a media player.

    Nintendo Guitar

    It seems that many inventors have decided to
    recycle your old Nintendo NES game console and use it to make other gadgets. I recently saw a combination of a cartridge from the console and a command of the same resulted in a portable NES. Now we have the Nintendo guitar, electric guitar built with a recycled NES.

    Dave is the name of this ingenious luthier who has converted his old NES into an electric guitar. Using the console and box guitar and a cartridge and headstock, the Nintendo Guitar is an electric guitar to fully function.

    Continuing with the aesthetics of the maker of the console, the inventor has placed a microphone selector switch with a doll of Mario. Lifting the lid where the cartridges will find the tone and volume knobs also have Nintendo characters: find a Donkey Kong, Luigi and Mario again.
    And as if all this were not enough, here's a video we can see her singing a familiar melody maker for any old video game player, the music of Tetris and Super Mario.

    The new Nintendo DSi XL will hit Europe and America

    Nintendo has launched a new model of its handheld console, the Nintendo DS.Already have a release date for the Asian market under the name LL Nintendo DSi and confirmed in the final hours that this new model of the console will also arrive in Europe and America.

    Called the Nintendo DSi XL, this new generation of console holds great innovation as increasing the size of your screen and comes with a longer stylus.The DSi screen is 4.2 inches XL 3.5 inches against the previous version.

    Will be available in Japan on November 21 and is expected to arrive in Europe and America in the first quarter of 2010. Its cost to America and Europe, has not been confirmed, although in Japan cost about 20,000 yen, about $ 10 more than the previous version, so it is estimated that in Europe cost around 169.95 euros.

    Xbox 360 new-Natal November 2010

    Microsoft wants to revolutionize the market for game consoles such as Nintendo its competitor did with the launch of the Wii. So, between the mystery and advancement, has unveiled details of its upcoming release, the project Natal, an accessory for the Xbox 360 that takes the cake.

    But what is Natal? Natal is a device that works with cameras and microphones that capture the player's movements so that this can interact with the game through movements without using a remote control. Great expectations generated by your ad, but unfortunately for the gadget would be anxious newly available in November 2010, ie within a year.

    Some manufacturers of games like Activision, Bethesda, Capcom, Disney, EA, Konami, MTV, Namco Bandai, Sega, Square Enix, THQ and Ubisoft have shown their support to this device that aims to take away territory to the Nintendo Wii that has captured much of the console market from household innovation proposed Wiimote remote control.

    So Microsoft wants to boost its Xbox 360 console: the idea is that users do not have to spend significant money on a new console generation but for 50 euros (which is what is estimated to cost Natal) may update Xbox 360 to work in a completely original.

    The Dreamcast is Still Alive

    It is true that nostalgia is often the best way to keep alive a loved one to a bygone era or some object that no longer have. But it seems that is also a good way to keep alive a game console that is part of the past and that has little to do with the current generation of home-entertainment devices. Observe but the particular case of the Sega Dreamcast, the latest console of the mark which remains valid through the nostalgia of many of its user s.

    Sega released this console in Europe ten years ago and after seeing their competitors (Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft) accounted fully the entertainment market of gaming household, Sega Dreamcast decided that would be the last console that was bringing to market. But far from dying eclipsed in the shadow of the Wii, the Playstation or Xbox, the Dreamcast is still fans who worship him.

    And that is seen in how quickly they sell the few units that are released in stores online console getting some of these for publication. And it is that lovers of "retrogaming" literally snatched from the hands of salespeople the Dreamcast go on sale.

    Monday, December 21, 2009

    Nintendo and Zii

    It seems that Nintendo has registered the name Zii, his future successor to the console and Wii. Rumors point to a high definition console and would be compatible with all Wii games, but since Nintendo of America stated that there will be new console in the near future.

    They may simply be to register a name or if the rumors actually gain strength or are confirmed throughout 2010. You who think, can a new Nintendo console?

    Friday, December 18, 2009

    Microsoft has updated its service Games for Windows Live

    Microsoft has updated its service Games for Windows Live, premiering Portal Version 3.2 for PC gaming platform and integrating the service Games on Demand to it, a similar attempt to distribution service Steam Valve's online content.
    As a bonus / celebration for the launch, we Tinker, a nice puzzle completely free (and former Ultimate Extra versions of Windows Vista) available via the site GFWL Games on Demand.
    Oh, and: In general, God is more expensive than Steam, has (looots) less variety, and we are limited to the combo Windows / GFWL, so unless someone do your homework in Microsoft, we are completely screwed.

    Mass Effect 2 reveals new images

    Yes, Mass Effect 2 is just around the corner and to prepare for his spectacular landing (be the start of a very promising 2010) here we bring you a new gallery of images that are probably too cool for their minds.
    Mass Effect 2 promises more action, more adventure, more graphics and a design so fucking cool that surpasses everything that Hollywood has offered us in ... ... well too long to tell. Fortunately, this version also promises large doses of DLC that will enable us to expand the adventure beyond the story and the game will not leave orphaned as did his predecessor.
    So we are ready for an epic of action, adventure and mystery as we have seen in a while and it will look all the beauty of a good computer graphics. So consoles Ha-Ha!.

    Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition - Details

    It is then that Capcom has done a couple of "minor alterations" to what we knew as the alternative version of Resident Evil 5, baptizing expansion shooter zombies like Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition and throwing some other details in its wake .
    First of all then, this "Gold Edition" will debut in March as retail package (ie replace the copies of RE5 at retail) on a Blu-ray (with the original game and expansion) for the PS3 and format DVD with a code to download the new content 360.
    Now if you have already purchased your copy of Resident Evil 5 will be able todownload the first chapter of the DLC - "Lost in Nightmares" - from mid-February (the 17th of the month at 360, and 18 on PS3) , while the second episode - "Desperate Escape" starring Jill Valentine and Josh Stone-released on 3 and 4 March in 360 and PS3 respectively, along with a second kit of costumes to laugh and have tea with friends.
    Capcom has not commented on the chances of this emerges - possibly-in PC.

    Thursday, October 29, 2009

    Nintendo sends a new DSi console

    After the surprising success of the Nintendo Wii console, the Japanese company decided to again bet to all the members of the family while confirming the launching of a version of great screen of its DSi console that will mainly get of major market.
    According to the company, Nintendo could have the new model that will count on a screen twice greater than the present one, for the end of this year in the market, and possibly its arrival for the rest of the world will take place throughout the 2010.
    With these greater screens the company hopes to attract majority of people that have complained about the present version without forgetting that it will allow to add new applications like electrical books and videos.
    Like interesting detail, the price of the new version will be very similar to the one of the present model, reason why it will arrive in the market with a price of 18,900 yen (200 dollars) and will try to repeat the success of the DSi.
    As many know, the present version has two screens of 3.25 inches, size similar to the screen of Apple iPhone. Although the exact dimensions are not known the new equipment, are expected screen similar to the presented/displayed ones in the Portable PlayStation.
    Nintendo is planning the presentation of a new DSi with new characteristics of anti-piracy for the markets of China and South Korea, and it is expected be available in market for March of the 2010.

    Tuesday, October 27, 2009

    The PS3 Slim of 250GB, a special edition

    Finally the launching of the PS3 Slim with a disc of 250GB has been made official, instead of the traditional one of 120GB that it has at the moment. So far, and as usually it happens interesting type of gadgets yet that leaves to the market, it sales are solely in Japan.
    It is a limited special edition and will receive the name of Final Fantasy XIII PS3 Slim, indeed in honor to the game more required by all the possessors of the console, according to the last official announcements of Sony.
    It will be put on sale in Japan from the 17 of December, in the hope of the celebrations of Christmas guarantee its sales, by a price of approximately US$ 455, instead of the US$ 127 to which traditionally the PS3 Slim is obtained in that one country.

    Monday, October 26, 2009

    Cyber bike: A static bicycle for Nintendo Wii

    This one clear that the manufacturers of games are going over and over again to operate the hen of gold eggs of Nintendo, the Wii, a console clearly focused to “an accidental” market but that is demonstrating to be unbeatable in number of sales.
    With the accessory Wiimote, to make aerobics exercise with the table of Wiifit balance, soon a new accessory will be sent that will make us burn more calories with the console of Nintendo.
    Cyber bike will be pack, that will be sold as of January 2010, and that will include bike and a game that will have several departure ways: fitness, multiplayer history and in turns. In addition, it seems that even it will be compatible with the brilliant and fireproof Mario Kart.
    The price has still not been announced, but we suppose that it will not be cheap.

    Saturday, October 24, 2009

    Sony presents PlayStation 3 of 250GB

    Few days after announcing an important cut in the prices of PlayStation 3, Sony returned to surprise its clients when confirming the launching of a new version of the PS3 of 250GB that will arrive at the American market from 3 November with a price from 350 dollars.
    The new model will be total identical to the present model and 120GB, but it will offer double space.
    Next to this launching, Sony continuous in its campaign to become the leader of the industry when indicating again that the PS3 of 300 dollars reached anywhere in the world and million units sold in the three weeks from their launching in September.
    When realizing these announcements, the BP of Marketing, Scott A. Steinberg, emphasized that platform PS3 is outlined to enjoy an excellent Christmas season, supported by the recent loss of prices and the launching of several important games like, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.
    Furthermore, the new PS3 250GB offers to the consumers a new option in the console market and makes against an important increase in the demand of digital contents of the PlayStation Network, especially in perfect contents high-def for system PS3.
    Sony says that they have unloaded more than 600 million content pieces from the PlayStation Network in only two months, and an important increase with the launching of games like Pixel Junk Shooter, Gravity Crash and Hustle Kings is expected.
    Finally it was indicated that the service of video of PlayStation, that at the moment offers near 2,300 films and more than 13,000 episodes, will add recent films like Star Trek, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and Bruno.

    Thursday, October 22, 2009

    The upcoming project of Xbox to compete with Wii

    From the appearance of Nintendo Wii, their competitors knew that soon they were going to have to design something huge in just a short time, or to let themselves take by the swell of the other people's victory.
    In this battle, Microsoft seems to have been the one that took the first step by synthesizing in domestic equipment a series of technologies that for a time, with minor or major success, have adorned the images of the future.
    What so if instead of to use a wireless controller which allows you to interact with the virtual personages of your favorite video you could use your body solely? Responding to this question, Microsoft developed the Native project.
    It combines a camera RGB, a powerful microprocessor and several sensors for “reading” your corporal movements and transforming them into action.
    Birthday will be a plastic sole species that will mount above or underneath your television, as if it was a DVD reproducer.
    Better than Wii, Xbox Birthday will maintain a physical state for you as you will still more in front of it with majority of the facilities available for Wii. Surely it will be sold like hot bread when it is displayed.

    The project of Xbox to compete with Wii

    From the appearance of Nintendo Wii, their competitors knew that soon they were going to have to design something huge in just a short time, or to let themselves take by the swell of the other people's victory.

    In this battle, Microsoft seems to have been the one that took the first step by synthesizing in domestic equipment a series of technologies that for a time, with minor or major success, have adorned the images of the future.

    What so if instead of to use a wireless controller which allows you to interact with the virtual personages of your favorite video you could use your body solely? Responding to this question, Microsoft developed the Native project.

    It is equipment that combines a camera RGB, a powerful microprocessor and several sensors for “reading” your corporal movements and transforming them into action.
    Birthday will be a plastic sole species that will mount above or underneath your television, as if it was a DVD reproducer.

    It is better than Wii, Birthday will maintain to you in physical state, because you will still more play that with the majority of the titles available for Wii, although you will need to count on a space rather greater if you wish to pass it really well. Surely it will be sold like hot bread when it is presented. So far, only we will be able to be excited with this.

    Tuesday, October 20, 2009

    A worthy lighter of James Bond

    How many times you have wanted to spy on and to record in video someone’s activities. We showed an alternative to you which perhaps very same as James Bond had wanted to use sometimes.

    Gigas is a video camera incorporated to a lighter with an internal memory of 4MB that is recharged and connected to a computer through a USB port. It has a resolution of video of 640 by 480 pixels in format AVI and of 1280 by 1024 pixels in JPEG.
    It is unique camera as by using this you will only be able to spy of those you really want.

    Without doubts, like the intrepid hero and smoker James, this invention would have come to him from knobs and you will be able to adapt it according to your own circumstances.

    Monday, October 19, 2009

    Keyboard for games Logitech G110

    Logitech has presented/displayed its new keyboard for jugones. It is a new improved version of the successful G11. It has practically everything what a player requires from later lights to an integrated card of sound.
    The Logitech G110 allows you to change the red and blue later light between or mixing them to create an effect of mulberry tone. You can connect a headset of 3.5 mm and a mouse to it, or if it precise, a unit of storage through its port USB.
    It has 12 programmable keys easily configurable G and three Ms to which you can assign lights of different colors and that it can reproduce simultaneously up to 36 pressures, macros of several keys or scripts complex LUA.
    The same keyboard detects the games and thus you will be able to create a customized configuration of G keys for each of them. Another possibility is the one to deactivate the direct keys of Windows to avoid accidents during the game.
    The G100 is compatible for Mac and PC and is connected via cable USB. It costs about 80 dollars and at the moment he will be available only in the United States, but for the month of January its expansion to the world-wide market announces.

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    Friday, October 16, 2009

    NESP portable Nintendo NES

    Fanatics and nostalgic for the old NES who can rejoice because the old Nintendo console has a modern version, but not devoid of pixilated spirit of this machine is already a cult object for many.

    This is the NESP designed a handheld based on a traditional NES cartridge that incorporates a joystick and a small screen.

    It is capable of running the NES ROMS, SNES, Game Boy and Game Boy Color. The TFT LCD screen is 2.8 inches, has a storage capacity of 4 GB and has a microSD memory slot to introduce you.

    This device is not only a portable game console but also serves to play music in digital formats, view videos, listen to FM radio, view images, record audio, record images (photos and videos) and, if this were not enough , has TV output.

    Sunday, October 11, 2009

    Impressions of the Tokyo Game Show 09

    Video games Tokyo Game Show (TGS 09) is good to review the general impressions that we have brought. Here we leave some:
    • The new Sony PS3 Slim has generated a great impression on the competence of the console manufacturers. In the TGS, it took another bombshell by announcing a new PS3 with a hard disk of 250 gigabytes.
    • Nintendo changed strategy: The Wii created a furor when released, but has stagnated over the competition. The first sketch is the lower cost of their console although began as the lowest price that has been losing ground.
    • Natal Project of Microsoft sets the direction: The majority of companies are working on the system of motion detection for Xbox360, Microsoft's biggest bet that you made a way through the field.

    Wednesday, October 7, 2009

    Warcraft Millionaire - The Blue Print to 1 Million in WOW Gold

    Warcraft Millionaire - The Blue Print to 1 Million in WOW Gold: Warcraft Millionaire is a guide created by Brad Johnson and it provides its readers with all the details that will enable them to accumulate large amounts of gold using legitimate and quick methods. Brad himself has been playing the game since its launch in 04 and has reached the gold cap on many and made almost a million in Gold in WoW.

    The “1-60 Gold Guide” is the first main section of the Warcraft Millionaire. You will learn about the speed, at which you should be leveling, the items you should be purchasing and where you need to be in the game.

    You will be able to find great items and pay less than others for the items you require. You will also learn how to maximize your gold while leveling from 1 to 60. The guide accepts the fact that grinding is necessary for making gold. After reading Warcraft Millionaire you will learn how to grind more effectively, this combined with tips regarding getting the most out of your profession and taking advantage of the best daily quests, can really improve your game.

    In the second called the “60-70 Gold Making Blueprint” you learn how to make gold in Outland and reveals all the methods you can use for doing this. In this guide also you will learn which items to buy and where to go in order to make maximum gold.

    The third guide focuses on making a lot of gold in Northrend and it’s called the “70-80 Gold Making Blueprint” .This guide gives a lot of valuable tips on making gold in Northrend.

    Warcraft Basics is the fourth book included in the package and it’s a very good read for any newcomer ho wants to make a solid start in WOW. The 5th book is the Auction House Domination guide .It teaches you which tools will unlock the potential profit in everything you buy and which sure shot methods will earn you profits in the Auction House.

    A very good addition to the game is the daily quests and the Daily Quests guide teaches you how to earn up to 12 gold per quest completed. This method does not generate gold quickly but it’s still a fairly reasonable method for semi hardcore players. There are also three other items that you get- Limited Items Report, Grinding Guide and a Premium membership with upgrades and support.

    The limited items guide is a great thing to have because it teach you how to get the vast supply of limited items in WOW and how to resell them at the Auction House to make great profits. The guide has all a list of all the limited items along with vendor names and their locations.

    Warcraft Millionaire is a comprehensive gold making guide that shows you how to become really rich in the World of Warcraft. The course is result oriented and easy to understand. What’s more, if you don’t like the books you can return them within 60 days and get a full refund.

    Nyhm’s WOW Guide - 4 guides in 1 - Review

    Nyhm’s WOW Guide - 4 guides in 1 - Review: Nyhm's Warcraft Guide is a package consisting of four guides that contain high quality information on gold making, leveling up, PvP and professions respectively. The e-books are in PDF format which allow you to use them during game play. Along with being comprehensive the guide is easy to use.

    Gold Making Guide

    The book contains more than 120 pages that you can download instantly from the member’s area after you place your secure order. The Step-by-step instructions in the guide will allow you to collect 10,000 gold in a week by showing you the best gold making spots in the game. Some players really waste all their efforts by going to the wrong locations; this guide shows you the best places to grind depending on your level.

    Grinding can get very boring at time but using the tips in this guide you will be able to do more in less time. The guide also teaches you how learn how to become an expert merchant and buy all of your items cheap and sell them at a higher price just minutes after buying.

    It teaches you the 7 most important Auction house principles. Learning and mastering these will turn you into a crafty trader that raises tons of gold with little effort.
    This guide will benefit experienced players, as well as beginners

    Profession Guide

    This guide contains more than 125 pages and the instructions given on those pages will allow you to master all professions. It also shows you the steps necessary to avoid bad mistakes made by a lot of the players trying to level up their professions.

    There is a list of materials given that you can buy and have all the resources you require ready in advance. You can learn how to off-load your crafting by-products and find out which items let you do very well at the Auction House

    Leveling Guide

    This guide has 230 pages and it will help you get you from level 1-80 in less than a week’s time. It includes a Death Knight Leveling and Class Guide and detailed quest descriptions and optimized questing paths for your convenience.

    Within the guide, there are two separate guides: a Horde Leveling Guide and an Alliance Leveling Guide that covers all levels. It also comes with a map to a path of items, gold and quests that takes you all the way up to level 80.

    PvP Guide
    The guide is 85 pages of .PDF documents that contain PvP macros that have will save you valuable time in every fight. It has tested arena and 1 on 1 strategy for all the classes in WOW. With the information provided in the guide you can learn how to dominate every battleground. It also list of items that all serious players should obtain.

    Using Nymphs WOW guides you can not only become a better player but know the strategies that can get you to the high-end player status. There is also a 60 day money back guarantee in case you don’t find the guide useful.

    Tuesday, October 6, 2009

    Hayden's World of Warcraft Secret Gold Guide

    Hayden's World of Warcraft Secret Gold Guide: In her World of Warcraft’s “Secret Gold Guide” Hayden Hawke shows you how you can make 600+ gold an hour using legitimate methods that will not get your account banned. As far as quality is concerned, this is one of the best guides that you will find about making gold in WOW.

    In the guide, Hayden has shown methods that players at any level can use to make gold. So, if you’re a new comer to the WOW world you can use this guide and find ways that you can use to make gold. This, of course, does not mean that you will instantly start making 600 gold but you can find different ways to increase the amount of gold that your character is making and this can help you on the later levels as well. The guide will also explain common gold making mistakes other players make and how to avoid them and the hottest selling items for each profession.

    Another great thing about Hayden’s guide is that it does allow you to make a choice between leveling your character and making gold. The gold making methods shown in the guide will allow you how to easily do both. The guide is bookmarked and organized so that you can find anything and everything as fast as you like. The instructions provided by Hayden are in the form of coordinates and map locations. For example, if the method involves farming something to sell at the Auction House, Hayden provides a map as well as a path to follow to maximize your time farming it. In addition, he also provides a good idea of how much what you’ve just spent time farming should retail for at the AH.

    The best thing about this guide has to be the fact that it does not provide any illegal methods of earning gold. Every method that Hayden shows in the 232 page Secret Gold Guide is legal and will not get you in any sort of trouble.

    Hayden Hawke wrote this guide after Wrath of the Lich King was released and she thoroughly tested the strategies explained in her book. She assures that these are not some old strategies that have been repackaged to sale. She further says that there is nothing in the Secret Gold Guide that does not work. There is also a money back guarantee if you can find 3 methods that she explained that did not work for you.

    Hayden’s book is a comprehensive guide to how you can make extra gold using 100% legal methods. The guide also comes with 9 bonus products that you may find very helpful.

    Dugis Ultimate World of Warcraft Guide

    Dugis Ultimate World of Warcraft Guide: Dugies World of Warcarft guide has been created by Dave Farwell (Dugi), a WOW expert with over 7860 hours of play time to his credit. The guide includes information about different aspects of the game like leveling, professions, PVP, making gold, etc. Whats more, it’s regularly updated so as to be up-to-date with game patches and expansions.

    The Guide has three general sections. Section one is from pages 1-80 and it’s a leveling guide covering all classes for the Alliance and the Horde. Like all good guides, it uses an in-game leveling add-on to make it as easy to use as possible. This in-game guide is great because you don’t have to switch back and forth between the game and the guide like in some other guides.

    The setup process is easy and configures itself depending on your current character. You’ll learn exactly where to go, who to talk with and what to do. The guide keeps a marker on your map and shows a directional arrow on your screen after you accept a quest. The marker and arrow will lead you to the next step in the quest.

    Something that you see in this guide and don’t find in other guides is that their talent guide is also in-game. You can just select the given templates which assign your talent points to the best spec for your character.

    The second section of the guide is about making gold. Something to remember is that you won’t need to farm gold when you’re leveling to 80. The quests that you do in the first part will provide you with pretty much all the funding you need during that phase. It’s really only after you’ve leveled up that you’ll be able to really make bank anyway. Having said that , the gold making guide does teaches you how to make gold quickly for your mounts at levels 30 and 60 since having them makes leveling that much faster. The main focus of the gold guide is where to go to farm rare items, and how to win the auction house game. You can also learn leveling up every Profession with the gold guide.

    The third and final section of the Ultimate World of Warcraft Guide teaches you how to be successful in player versus player combat (PVP). This is probably one of the best parts of the guide. Combat types are covered in detail, and it teaches you what you should do in order win from any class and race combination that you may face in WoW. You learn about which talents you should choose for every battle. There are even macros that you can copy.

    The Ultimate WoW Guide has just about every aspect of World of Warcraft explained in detail. There’s a mount of information that you get from this unlike any other guide. Other guides normally cover one aspect of game play and the info you get from this guide is better than those individual guides.

    Zygor In-Game Alliance & Horde World of Warcraft 1-80 Leveling Guides

    Zygor In-Game Alliance & Horde World of Warcraft 1-80 Leveling Guides: The Zygor Leveling Guides are created by John Cook and it’s designed to enable World of Warcraft players to quickly increase their level. With the new Zygor Guide you don’t have to switch back and forth between screens so you can keep your attention on the game play.

    There are two separate screen modes. One is a large picture view that shows you all of the steps that you need to complete to advance your character in the quests. Players do not use this modes a lot because the amount of information affects the game play. The second screen mode is smaller and shows the current and next steps that you need to complete the current quest. A small arrow shows you the direction in which you need to travel to reach the next encounter or step in the quest.

    Zygor’s Leveling Guide is an easy to use guide for new players and it’s the least intrusive one. You can learn from the guide increase your character’s level.

    A great thing about such guides is its interactive components.
    There are only a few guides that are designed with an in-game guide mode.

    A very good feature included in Zygor Guide is the waypoints. Players who have used the original version of this Guide will remember that it was full of waypoints and was filled with so much information that it was almost impossible to use in an efficient manner. As opposed to the old design, the new Zygor Guide gives you only the waypoint for the quest that you have highlighted. You are given a clear map window and when you move your cursor to a waypoint you will be shown the steps that you need when you arrive at this new location. As a WOW tool this comes in handy and new players will greatly appreciate this latest feature.

    With the option feature provided, players change window opacity and increase and decrease the size of on-screen guides, waypoints and icons. A starter guide for each race is included in everyone one of the in-game leveling guides. For instance, you’re playing as an Alliance character. Zygor's In-Game Alliance Leveling Guide includes a Starter Guide for Gnome, Dwarf, Draenei, Night Elf, and the Human races. And if you are playing as Horde character The In-Game Horde Leveling Guide includes a Starter Guide for the, Orc, Troll, Blood Elf, Tauren, and Undead races.

    Zygor In-Game Alliance and Horde Guide offer a good learning solution especially for players who have recently entered the WOW arena. These in-game guides enable you to quickly increase your level. Players who have a high level can access special areas of WOW where the competition is also high.

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    The next accessory for the Wii is "A rugby ball

    This is clear in my mind that Nintendo's boys seek to exploit, to the absolute limits, the success of its home console, the Wii. And to do that the better exploitation is its star feature, the famous control using the Wii Remote.

    The next step seems that Nintendo's boys are ready, and if you have seen all kinds of accessories to be coupled on the command console, which today we bring you the fruit of a patent from Nintendo, is the least surprising.

    Rugby ball, if it sounds like, to be able to place the command, then we assume that it will be used in some future games in the Japanese company.
    It seems that Nintendo's kids do not have enough of Nintendo with several broken teals result of a slip of the driver, but now also want to smash our house.

    And by the way, get ready to play with a rugby ball in your little room all the night. We'll see if it becomes reality or remains on patent.

    Saturday, October 3, 2009

    Xboxh 360 250GB with Modern Warfare pack 2

    After the PS3 price drop, the lower prices of the Xbox 360 and the "possible" decrease in price of the Wii forces you to purchase in market with attractive package Xboxh 360 250GB with Modern Warfare pack 2, an ideal gift for you on Christmas.

    Whoever bring you today to the most interesting point: the Xbox 360 Special Edition pack Modern Warfare 2 with Microsoft that does not lose the lead against Sony and keep the difference in sales to the great reception of the new PS3 Slim .
    The pack comes with a custom Xbox 360 with a design inspired by the game, two wireless black controls, 250GB hard drive, headset black, of course, with the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
    The price of this pack in Europe will be 329.99 euros and will be sold from November 10, although it is possible to reserve it.

    I leave you with some image of the new pack

    Friday, October 2, 2009

    Juiced 2

    Juiced 2: hot import nights: It is very common for a music industry or a band to launch their self-titled album in the gaming world. Same is the case with the new racing game in the market known as Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights form the Juice games; however the original game was released in the late 2005.

    In this brand new game many things has changed, in-fact overall design is changed by the makers of the game. The driver events, calendars and one good thing is you don’t have to pay to repair the damages of your rides, all these new addition in the game. It’s still far from perfect.

    When you start the game you will soon notice that there are many errors in the game, there are two types of controls in the game drifting and racing both of them lack the control system. You will find very difficult to control your ride especially in the drift. According to my point of view this game is a piece of junk.

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    Ninja Blade

    Ninja Blade: Ninja blade, which most of the people think is the imitation of God of War and Ninja Gaiden, which is quite right. Ninja Blade borrows heavily from these two giants of the gaming world. Gameplay is almost like that of God of War while the environment and the enemies are loaned from ninja Gaiden. Even the costume of ninja is almost copy of Ryu Hayabusa’s costume. I don’t know what FromSoftware were thinking. Not a single creativity. Ninja Blade starts off well and provides fun in many sectors but becomes bore later as the game is so easy to play.

    Ninja Blades story is based on the character, imitation Ryu Hayabusa’s of Ninja Gaiden, named as Ken Ogawa. He is supposed to be savior of the world. A parasitic disease has broken out in Tokyo and is enveloping everything in it. Now the fate of the world is in Ken Ogawa hands and he is to fight nasty parasitic monster with his number of stylish swords.

    Ninja Gaiden II

    Ninja Gaiden II: Previously on Xbox Ninja Gaiden was released, and in my view it was the best action packed game on the ever. But it proved wrong when Microsoft’s Xbox360 released Ninja Gaiden II. The only canon of the game is splash more blood and kills, as many you can. Enemies are same as previous, supernatural fiends. Gameplay is a lot quicker than before. Controls are not easy to control but it won’t be a problem once you get use to it.

    Ninja Gaiden II is gives you a feeling which you have never felt before in any action game. Like before, bosses are hard to defeat and will give you tough time, most of the people think of it as annoying but for old Ninja Gaiden fans this is the most enjoyable part. Game is not based on stealth or shadowy motions. Prior to dragon sword, there are number of new weapons.

    Hopefully you won’t be disappointed by game.

    Army of Two

    Army of two is the most splendid war game. Most of the war games are first

    Person based but Army of Two is a new revolution. Game will give you the experience of your life, as graphics and sound effects are magnificent. The game revolves around two characters Elliott Salem and Tyson Rios, two former Army ranges who joins the private sector.

    While playing as single player you get to choose either Tyson or Elliott. Guns are not only primary weapons that will lead to your survival. There is another instrument called “Aggro”. Which means how much aggressive your player is being during combat. It has number of advantages. One is, using more aggression means diverting more attention towards you, which gives access to your partner to sneak around and kill enemies without knowing them. Most of the game is based on stealth and you can’t do every thing all by your self, working together with your partner is necessary for success.

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    WWE SmackDown vs Raw 2010

    WWE SmackDown vs Raw 2010: Yahoo there is another WWE Smackdown VS raw. According to my guess the last version was tough and slow. In the last game it is very hard for the player to do the grapple, or over the rope jump move just because of the unique control system. However THQ manages to improve the game a lot more than we expected.

    In this article my focus is to tell you guys, most of the different news about this game. This game got the biggest selling point from its pervious predecessors; it’s how you can create your own power. From the last game as you know we have to play most of the game in the ring but in this game the developer has taken a game to a whole new level. You can make your own finishing moves, logos, entrance videos, and many more; in addition now you can share and upload this material with SVR players around the globe.

    Midnight Club Los Angeles

    Midnight Club Los Angeles: We all know how Rockstars makes games, in the recent years they have proved them selves as good as the other developers of the gaming industry, but the truth is they the best. As we have seen their recent launched of Grand Theft Auto VI. They have truly showed what they are capable of.

    This game is the Sequel of their last game Midnight Club 3, which was a great success. Now they have decided to take over the streets of Los Angeles. The new thing about this game is they have added a huge variety of cars, including exotic, luxury, muscle, tuners, SUV’s, choppers, Heavy bikes and concept cars. The game makes its first appearance in Xbox360 and Playstation3. Game is awesome but there is some mistake which makes it a little disappointing for the gaming fans some of them and most important is the handling of the ride. Overall result is awesome for the game, it’s a worth buying game.

    Need for Speed Prostreet

    Need for Speed Prostreet: Need for Speed Prostreet has been giving out new versions, almost every year, with some new changes in the mechanics, styles and new story board. Although game made good market but unfortunately it didn’t win the hearts of its fans.

    Reason for its drawback was that instead of racing on streets, the game was shifted to official racing tracks. Graphics are not that bad but for PS2 it’s worse than ever. Racing on official tracks means that you don’t get to tease police and the most fun part bounty. Upgrades of the cars have been modified. When compared to Need for Speed Most Wanted and Need for Speed Carbon, the Need for Speed Prostreet is no way near to them. I think the title Need for Speed doesn’t fit in for Prostreet as speed requires open streets, which we have seen in previous years.

    All in all, the game doesn’t give that thrill, which we all have been expecting but the game is somewhat interesting.

    Stranglehold game tips

    Stranglehold game: John woos and action star chow yun fat has teamed up for a new awesome experience of gunplay and blood shedding. Chow yun fat plays as a roe of an inspector Tequila form the movie HARD BOILED, he is one of a kind cop with a lethal streak, particularly when his young daughter was kidnapped by the thugs called Tried boss.

    To take on the enemies in the game you have to learn different moves during the gameplay. One of the best and my favorite move is ‘’Tequila time’’ this slow motion move kicks ass when you hit the right bumper or perform an aerobatic move. Score by killing in the game and you will earn the style points, this will helps you to increase the Tequila Bomb meter.

    Tequila Bomb moves are more awesome than the tequila time move but it requires a lot of practice to master the move. According to my point of view if you are hard hitting shooting gamer then this is the best choice for you to play.