Friday, October 2, 2009

Dirt 2: Colin McRae series

Dirt 2: Colin McRae series is considered to be the king of the rally car racing games. With a launch of the Dirt 2 the developers Codemasters are trying to attract the gaming audiences to their brand new title called Dirt 2. After a closer look we found out some of the awesome results of the game. The graphics, sound tracks, gameplay and the control system all these things are perfectly arranged in this beauty. But if you are hardcore rally fans you will have to wait, when you reach in the 5level of the Career mode where the real fun begins.

We all know the original Dirt was released in the late 2007 which has one of the excellent set of choices of all the time. The game was really piece of Art. Same is the case with the Dirt 2 it has equally impresses the gaming fans. We have whole new level of world to conquer what ever you see around you is just like a suspenseful story, from the map of the world to choose 100 racing events around the world. The game puts up a warning sign for all the upcoming rally games.