It is tracking a different direction in the console gaming industry compared with other existing games consoles. The Wii revolution has a nunchuck cordless controller, provides full backward Gamecube compatibility and an extra online library for game downloads. This Nintendo product could certainly pose as a serious threat to the other consoles when it is released on Nov 2006. When purchasing a game system, the general public considers the costs. It creates a big difference relating to the market sales of many firms.
Costs of game systems play a big part in the war of game systems. The Wii revolution of Nintendo can be a brilliant choice since you can buy it for only 250 greenbacks, less expensive in comparison to other game systems. The Gamecube games in Nintendo Wii can be played on the most recent console using Gamecube controllers and Gamecube memory cards. The Nintendo Wii enables the differentiation of Nintendo's games from other rivals.